June 02, 2004

She's mine! All mine!!!!!

With the final payment going through last night, I am today the proud owner of a 1993 Jeep Cherokee. That's right--the oil-leaking, overheating, wobbling, bent and battered box that has been my ride for the last five years now belongs completely and fully to me.
Something doesn't seem quite right there.

It wasn't supposed to take this long. See, when I finished college, I went straight into the workplace, and found myself with, what I considered to be, an AMAZING paycheck. My newfound *wealth* gave me a sense of power I hadn't felt before, and it didn't take me long to dispose of it. Three years of payments seemed easily affordable, and my mathematical skills showed me that I could theoretically have it paid off in a year and a half!
Well, theory met reality, and it wasn't pleasant. Suffice to say, five years of paying for a vehicle that is degrading beneath your feet (quite literally, in fact..watch where you step when you get in) gets pretty old, pretty fast.
Looking back, many would say it wasn't a wise financial choice. I probably should have realized it was going to be a rocky ride when the engine died on the test drive, spewing coolant all over the car lot. But it was too late--I was already in love.
As my first vehicle, this will be the one I will always remember. The adventures I and my friends have had in it will live on in our memories, long after its demise. From conventions ("what do you think of when you see a red jeep?") to retreats ("Ok, Tim, I *know* we can fit that keyboard...we just have to be more creative in our packing") to spontaneous road trips (ever raced taxis through NYC at 3:00 AM?), the good times we've had will never be forgotten.

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